Lofted Barns
The Shed Store‘s Weather King Lofted Barn has a classic barn feel with a gambrel style roof and spacious lofts! Your Lofted Barn can range from as small as 8X12 all the way up to 12X32. With a 6.6 feet tall clearance under each loft, you have plenty of space to meet all your storage needs! Barn doors are 46“ wide for barns under 8 feet tall wide or 72“ double doors for larger barns. Optional upgrades include adding octagon windows and doors to the loft area, French doors, rampage doors, larger windows, work benches, Cabin porches & more! The Deluxe Lofted Barn Cabin upgrade takes your barn to the next level by adding a spacious wrap-around porch.
- 7-Foot Tall Side Sidewalls (Peak Adds 2 ½ to 3 ½ Feet)
- 46” Wide Barn Doors for 8-Foot Wide Sheds
- Double Barn Doors for 10-& 12-Feet Wide Sheds
- Lockable Doors
- PT Built-in PlatformMax 500 Overlay Flooring
- Available in Wood or Galvanized Aluminum
- Lifetime Warranty Against Termites & Fungal Decay
- Built to Florida Code & Wind Rated up to 180 MPH
- Permit Assistance Available on Request
- Optional 2X3, 3X3, Shutters, Flowerbox, or Transom Windows
- Optional Gable Loft or Octagon Style Windows
- Optional French, Rollup, or Rampage Doors
- Optional Workbench
- Optional Porch

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